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Brief Facts

• Prior to trial, I testified during my suppression hearing that my alleged statement to police was the product of physical and psychological coercion applied by my detectives (under the command of Jon Burge from the Chicago Police Department). After both detectives denied inflicting such abuse, the trial court denied my motion to suppress, 'Finding the detectives to be more credible witnesses'.

• Without any other physical evidence, the trial court found me accountable of First Degree Murder, based essentially on the alleged confession.

• Since my arrest/trial, newly discovered evidence has come to light of widespread and systematic pattern of torture and abuse of suspects by CPD-police officers, including my interrogating officers, which corroborate my longstanding claims that my confession was the product of physical and emotional coercion.

• The State violated its duty to disclose exculpatory information by failing to provide the defense with evidence reflecting by failing to provide the defense with evidence reflecting a pattern and practice of misconduct in connection with police treatment of suspects and witnesses prior to trial.

• As of 10/21/08, Former Police Commander Jon Burge was indicted on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice by a Federal Grand Jury convene by US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. This same US Attorney's Office has contacted me to determine if I was one of the many abused victims, and whether I would like to testify before a Federal Grand Jury regarding my officer's participation in torturing and abusing a number of suspects while in custody.

• The Illinois Senate passed legislation, House Bill, 5032, 'Illinois Torture Injury and Relief Commission Act', to address widespread allegations of suspect and witness torture by the Chicago Police Department.

• At this time, I'm currently awaiting an evidentiary hearing from a filed Petition for Post Conviction Relief back in July of 2003.

• Seeking: Pro-Bono Assistant, Investigator, Friends and Supporters.

Write to me at:

Kilroy Watkins
Lawrence Correctional Center
Rural Route #2, Box 31
Sumner, IL 62466

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